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Mohammed Dewji Wiki, Biography, Age, Wife, Kids, Family, Net Worth, Busness – 2023

Mohammed Dewji


Mohammed Dewji, affectionately called Mo, is a Tanzanian businessman whose journey from a privileged upbringing to becoming one of Africa’s maximum a hit entrepreneurs and philanthropists has been not anything quick of notable. Born on may also 8, 1975, into a prominent own family in Tanzania, Mohammed Dewji’s life story serves as an inspiring instance of determination, hard work, and a deep sense of obligation in the direction of the community he calls domestic.

formative years and history

Growing up in Tanzania, Mohammed Dewji became surrounded by means of a supportive and loving circle of relatives. His mother and father, especially his father, Gulamabbas Dewji, instilled sturdy values of humility, integrity, and compassion. He attended legit schools each in Tanzania and overseas, obtaining an outstanding education that laid the inspiration for his future endeavors.

Entrepreneurial journey

Upon finishing his research, Mohammed Dewji again to Tanzania with a vision to contribute definitely to his state’s boom. In 1999, he based MeTL (Mohammed businesses Tanzania constrained) institution, to start with focusing on the textile enterprise. Despite going through demanding situations, Dewji’s determination and progressive method to business allowed MeTL institution to expand hastily. Today, the conglomerate operates in diverse sectors, which includes agriculture, manufacturing, actual estate, and finance, making it considered one of the most important and maximum successful commercial enterprise entities in East Africa.

Philanthropic projects

Mohammed Dewji’s success in the commercial enterprise world did not lessen his experience of social duty; instead, it amplified his desire to provide again to society. In 2014, he installed the Mo Dewji basis, dedicated to improving schooling, healthcare, and network improvement in Tanzania. Through the muse, Dewji has initiated numerous projects, inclusive of building schools, imparting scholarships to underprivileged students, and investment healthcare facilities in underserved areas. His philanthropic efforts have touched the lives of hundreds, growing a long-lasting fantastic effect on Tanzanians from all walks of existence.

Political profession

Similarly to his business and philanthropic pastimes, Mohammed Dewji’s passion for public service led him to enter politics. He served as a Member of Parliament in Tanzania, wherein he championed guidelines geared toward empowering the human beings and fostering monetary growth. Dewji’s precise ability to bridge the worlds of business and politics made him a respected and influential figure within the united states’s socio-monetary development.

personal existence

No matter his numerous obligations, Mohammed Dewji remains approachable and down-to-earth, endearing him to both colleagues and most people. Other than his enterprise and philanthropic commitments, he actively engages in sports activities, mainly basketball, and participates in diverse charitable events and community sports. His charismatic and friendly nature has earned him the admiration and affection of those around him. Nowadays he supports Tanzania Football Clubs like SIMBA SC

challenges and Triumphs

Mohammed Dewji’s path to achievement become now not without its share of challenges. Constructing a commercial enterprise empire from scratch requires mammoth determination and perseverance. However, Dewji’s willpower, resilience, and willingness to take calculated risks enabled him to overcome boundaries and reap extraordinary fulfillment. His journey serves as a testomony to the power of resilience and the significance of staying real to one’s values and dreams.

Legacy and an effect

As one of Africa’s youngest billionaires, Mohammed Dewji’s legacy extends a ways past his monetary achievements. His philanthropic efforts through the Mo Dewji foundation have transformed lives, presenting get admission to to first-class schooling and healthcare for endless Tanzanians. Dewji’s affect in both the enterprise and political spheres has reshaped Tanzania’s monetary landscape, inspiring a brand new era of marketers and leaders.

Mohammed Dewji WIKI



  • Full Name

  • Nick Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Age 

  • Birthplace

  • Nationality

  • Religion

  • Zodiac Sign

  • Martial Status

  • Profession

  • Children

  • Parents

  • Networth

  • Education

  • Spouse

  • Height

  • Weight

  • Favarite Food

  • Mohammed "Mo" Gulamabbas Dewji

  • Mo Dewji

  • May 8, 1975

  • 48 years as 2023

  • Ipembe, Singida

  • Tanzania

  • Muslim

  • Taurus

  • Married

  • entrepreneur

  • 3

  • Gulamabbas Dewji, Zubeda Dewji

  • 1.5B Dollars 

  • Saddle Brook High School, Georgetown University, International School Of Tanganyika, Trinity Preparatory School

  • 5.9

  • 70kg

  • N/A


In conclusion, the biography of Mohammed Dewji gives a captivating narrative of a person whose unwavering commitment to enterprise excellence, philanthropy, and public service has made a profound impact on his state and past. From his formative years and training to his entrepreneurial adventure, political profession, and philanthropic tasks, every aspect of Mohammed Dewji’s existence exudes inspiration and aspiration. His tale serves as a reminder that with difficult paintings, compassion, and determination, one individual can create a enormous and lasting wonderful change in the world.


  1. what is Mohammed Dewji’s net well-worth?
    As of 2023, Mohammed Dewji’s internet worth is predicted to be numerous billion dollars, making him one of the wealthiest individuals in Africa.
  2. How did Mohammed Dewji begin his commercial enterprise?
    Mohammed Dewji’s entrepreneurial journey started out in 1999 when he based MeTL organization, initially focusing on the textile enterprise earlier than diversifying into various sectors.

Three. What are some top notch projects of the Mo Dewji foundation?
The Mo Dewji foundation has initiated numerous initiatives, inclusive of building colleges, supplying scholarships, and investment healthcare centers in underserved regions of Tanzania.

  1. Has Mohammed Dewji acquired any awards for his philanthropic paintings?
    sure, Mohammed Dewji has received several awards and honors in recognition of his remarkable philanthropic contributions.
  2. Does Mohammed Dewji have any plans for the future?
    while specific details about his future plans remain private, Mohammed Dewji maintains to pursue his entrepreneurial ventures and philanthropic endeavors, striving to make a advantageous impact on Tanzanian society and past.

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